Massage doesn't have to be a workout

No longer do I have to wear out my arms, fingers and wrists rubbing my hubby's back. He is 36 and plays "Over 28 Men's League Baseball" but all of his teammates are younger than him -- they are between 28 and 30 so they give him a run for his money. With the Tiger Tail Rolling Muscle Massager ($24.99, I simply roll the massager across his back, calves and arms when he comes home sore from a double header. He is fighting his age - trying to hang with the younger dudes...its laughable when he comes home limping and popping Advil like its going out of style!! He didn't have that problem after day-long softball tournaments during his early twenties. But I digress....

Hubby returns the favor, of course, and gives me a much needed rub-down when my shoulders are tense from sitting at the computer all day, or when I'm sore from my Biggest Loser Workout DVDs.

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